Meet Jonathan Branski

Developer, Writer, and Content Creator

A portrait picture of Jonathan Branski.

About Jonathan (he/him)

  • Nicknames: JP, Faith
  • Started learning HTML in 2012
  • Favorite color is purple
  • Learning Swedish on Duolingo
  • Always trying new hobbies

With starting my professional career as a developer in 2018, I knew that this was a path that I would always be able to give my all towards. Intrinsically, programming has been able to satisfy my need for analytical and creative problem solving. Additionally, it continues to provide opportunities for me to continue learning, as well as to help others learn.

Since graduating college, I have become a program advisor at my alma mater so I can help the next generation of developers be prepared for their first jobs. This is a passion that I bring to every project I take on, and just one reason I will always deliver my best work.

Where did the nickname Faith come from? While anticlimactic, it is a nickname I have had for quite a few years now! After some shenanigans while playing games with an old group of friends, they started to say they had faith in me to help us succeed. This eventually shifted to them saying that they are playing with faith, which then further transitioned into them calling me Faith. Given time, they would call me Faith outside of just the games, and it spread into more normal use in my life.

Curated Websites Designs for Personal or Professional Needs

Websites will often be the first interaction someone has with a company. Whether updating an existing website or creating a new one, the design will be catered towards the needs of both your company, and your users.

New Builds

For those without a website who need it all!

Website Touchups

Who doesn't need a little fix here or there?

Total Redesigns

New makeover or a new host for your site.

Learn more about our website solutions.

Web Dev Tutorials and Resources for Beginners

Being able to help others learn web development was one of the best experiences I had while in college. Since then, I have taken various opportunities to be able to help people explore the world of coding. Now I have set out to create a collection of helpful resources to be able to help even more people take their first steps into a field I have grown to love.

Graphic showing a template style of what a tutorial page could look like
Check out the FNC Resource Collection

Turning Thoughts into Fantasy Tales

Writing was not always something that I loved, but was always something I felt comfortable with. That changed, however, when I decided to start writing more than just college papers every week. Now I have practiced with writing blogs, short stories, and even now working on an entire fantasy world to base novels out of.

Whether it is a short snippet or writing or a more fully-fledged story, being able to surprise people by turning something they mentioned into its own world is what motivates me to keep improving. If you have tales that need telling, let me help you take the first steps in doing so.

Freya and Chloe from the Keristar writing series currently being written.
Discover a new world

Hobbies for Charities

I consider myself to have an ever-expanding list of hobbies. Outside of some of those already listed on this site, some of my other hobbies I have thoroughly enjoyed include wood carving, playing the kalimba, candle making, and even some digital drawing! With this fine array of hobbies, I have been able to pique the interests of many others.

Without having a soundcloud to promote, I wanted to find something meaningful that I could support collectively with my hobbies and small following. That meaningful something turned out to be fundraising for certain charities. Nowadays I primarily fundraise for Extra Life to support my local Children's Hospital.

As I gain proficiency in these hobbies and skills, I hope to be able to expand and find more organizations to support as well. While the places I feel closest to include animals, children, and veterans, I am always open to supporting good causes through properly-documented organizations—even if they are not local to me!

Three images showcasing time spent in the US armed forces, raising money for children's hospitals, and traveling to Vietnam to help a wildlife rescue.

Fox & Crow Photography

Capturing moments, memories, and mother nature

A close up on a gray cat, showing details in an eyeA maternity picture of a woman holding her stomach at the beachA Vietnamese landscape at sunset over a lakeA dog running through grass with ears flapping in the wind
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